Free Direct General Auto Insurance Quote
Get a free Direct General auto insurance quote online, in-person at a local store/office (go to this page to find a location in your area), or over the phone by calling 1-877-463-4732 (option #2). If you want to review the various coverage and plan options (including discounts and benefits) before your begin your quote, click here. The how-to guide in the section below provides a general overview of the online quote process. How to Get a Quote Step 1 – Start by going to the homepage (you can click the link at the top of this page, or simply enter www.directgeneral.com into your web browser). Step 2 – You will notice a large quote form (as outlined in the below screenshot). Enter your ZIP code, and press ‘Start Now.’ Note: Ensure that ‘Auto’ is selected. Note: If Direct General services your market area, you will be transferred to the main submission form. If your area is not currently being serviced, you will obviously not be able to receive a quote. Step 3 – You will be taken to the five-step form. In the first section (vehicles) you will provide various vehicle details. Select your vehicle type, year, make, model, and body type from the drop-down lists. Note: Click ‘Continue’ at the bottom of each section to move on to the next step. Step 5 – In the ‘Drivers’ section, enter your first name, last name, gender, marital status, DOB, policy/driver history, and credit history (select from the drop-down list). After this section, you will be provided with a basic rate. After viewing your custom quote, you will have the option to select specific coverage options and purchase the policy.