Free Nationwide Auto Insurance Quote
Free Nationwide auto insurance quotes are available by calling (1-877-669-6877), visiting the Nationwide website, or by speaking with your local agent in-person at a branch location. Follow the steps in the section below to obtain a quote via the website. Get Free Quote Step 1 – Enter your ZIP code into the input field(s) on this page, as outlined in the screenshot below. Click the ‘Get a Quote’ button to be transferred to the secure quote submission form. Note: You can also use the quote form located on the homepage. Step 2 – The quote submission form is six-steps long. In the first section you will enter your first and last name, address, city, state, ZIP code and DOB. Click the ‘Continue’ button. Step 3 – The second section is where you will enter your vehicle information. Select the year of your vehicle from the drop-down menu, enter the make, model, series, primary use, miles driven per year, and if the vehicle is leased/loaned. Click the ‘Continue’ button to move on to the next section. Step 4 – In the ‘Drivers’ section, you will enter various personal details of each driver you wish to add to the policy. Enter your name, DOB, gender, marital status, age driver’s license was obtained, occupation, and license status into the input fields. Step 5 – The ‘General Information’ step requires you to enter your current residential status, if you or someone in your household has been convicted of insurance fraud, your email address and phone number. Step 6 – The last step of the quote process is titled ‘Discounts.’ Any discounts you may have already qualified for will be shown. Enter all of the required information to see if you qualify for any additional discounts towards your policy/quote. Click the ‘Continue’ button to view your customized auto insurance quote.