You can get a free Safeway auto insurance quote by getting in touch with an agent close to you. Though the company does not provide an actual quote process, you can start the quote process online and finalize it at your nearest agent. You can initiate the process on the website by following the steps listed below.
How to Get a Quote
Step 1 – Go to the website and click on ‘Get a Quote Now’ as shown below to kick start the process.
Step 2 – You will be redirected to the ‘find an agent’ page. Under ‘Find an agency near you’, enter your address, city, state and zip code. Select auto insurance and your preferred language. Click on the ‘Find an Agency’ button to proceed.
Step 3 – On the next page, you will be able to view a list of agencies available in your area. Click on view agent details to find out more about them and their location. Give them a call or pay them a visit and they will help you tailor a policy to suit your requirements. They will also be able to give you a quote on various packages available.
NOTE: You can narrow down the distance of the listed agents to a 5 miles radius from your location.